BLACK FRIDAY SALE of some wholesale packaged stock at HALF PRICE


Organic cotton from India

The organic and sustainable colour range for 2020 -Uni GreenThe organic and sustainable colour range for 2020 -Corn YellowThe organic and sustainable colour range for 2020 -Royal BlueThe organic and sustainable colour range for 2020 -PlumThe organic and sustainable colour range for 2020 -KhakiThe organic and sustainable colour range for 2020 -NavyThe organic and sustainable colour range for 2020 -BurgundyThe organic and sustainable colour range for 2020 -Bottle GreenThe organic and sustainable colour range for 2020 -BlackThe organic and sustainable colour range for 2020 -AzureThe organic and sustainable colour range for 2020 -Antique WhiteThe organic and sustainable colour range for 2020 -AnthraciteThe organic and sustainable colour range for 2020 -White

From the beginning, Stanley/ Stella's mission has been to create high quality garments in the most responsible and ethical way. They therefore integrate sustainability into everything they do, making deliberate decisions about who they work with, how they work & what materials they use. 

We are pleased to be sourcing more of our garments from them.

This is their REPORT.






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